Northern Shores Community Development, Inc. announces it has been chosen for the Native Arts Economy-Building Grant from First Peoples Fund

Northern Shores Community Development, Inc. (“NSCD”) is pleased to have been chosen for The Native Arts Economy-Building Grant from First Peoples Fund.

This grant will be used for:

* Assisting Native artists in establishing, marketing and budgeting of their business.
* Artisan Business Loans
* Travel and Expenses for one Native Artist and one Employee or Board Member of NSCD for “Train the Trainer Native Artist Training”

NSCD is seeking a qualified applicant to assist in training other Native artists to run a profitable small business. Qualified Applicant should be a local Native Artist, with a profitable business, and an interest in helping others. NSCD will be responsible for travel and expenses to “Train the Trainer”, a community-based program designed for financial and nonprofit professionals wishing to work directly with artists that are seeking to start or grow a business. Trip dates to be determined. Upon completion of training, applicant will assist in training and technical assistance to other local artists. This is not a paid position

Individuals should send letter of interest and qualification by October 31st, 2015 to:

Northern Shores Community Development 1131 W Conway Rd., Suite A Harbor Springs, MI 49740 (231) 347-6753

NSCD does not discriminate within its charter-defined Target Market in providing services to individuals or businesses on the basis of real or perceived race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, veteran status, national origin, age, marital status, family status, or physical or mental disability or any other characteristics protected by federal or tribal laws.